proFit is an application for data analysis and graphical presentation on the Macintosh.
Its key features are:
- professional graphical environment
- camera ready, high quality drawings
- highly interactive curve fitting
- built-in set of standard functions
- powerful definition syntax for custom fuctions
- versatile possibilities for data processing
- full support of System 7 (e.g. 'Publish' and 'Subscribe')
- background operation
- Pascal-compiler for the definition of data transformations
- linking of external code
This demo version of proFit supports all commands except 'Save', 'Save As', 'Open' of non proFit files, and pasting into data and function windows.
The demo version included in this package runs only on computers equipped with a floating point unit (FPU). If your Macintosh has no FPU, you can find the non-FPU demo version of proFit on many bulletin boards accessible via internet.
The file "proFit 4.1 demo intro" is a short guide to the demo version (Microsoft Word file).
This demo can be copied freely as long as this 'read me' file is included.
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CH-8023 Zuerich
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